It's Winter Time in Florida........

What does that mean? Well, winter time in the rest of the country brings you pictures of snow, children sledding, trees covered with ice, the world dressed in white..... But, not down here. Here, at least the part of here that I wander thru on a daily basis, winter consists of fields and fields of... Green!
The picture above is of the same field that I took a picture of when everyone was showing pictures of fall. Then, it was a bleak field of black plastic... what a difference a couple of months make!
I live in the center of what is called 'The Strawberry Capital of the World'. And these fields are full of beautiful, red, luscious strawberries. The place I live in is even called Plant City! This weekend begins our annual Strawberry Festival. It will run for 12 days... 12 days of carnival rides, musical entertainment, and.........
Strawberry Milkshakes
Strawberry Shortcake
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Elephant Ears... with Strawberry topping
Funnel Cakes... with Strawberry topping
Fresh strawberries in a cup with whipped cream
Good thing I Love Strawberries!

mmmmm.. me too! I love stawberries!! I used to love the U Pick It farms in florida lol.. you can get carried away picking the delicious fruit or veggies!
We have a Strawberry Festival up here too. It is in Dayton Tennessee where the Monkey Trial was at. It is the first weekend in May.
I just got back from Florida this past Tuesday evening. I wanna go's freakin cold in NJ!!!
just want you to know I bought strawberries just because of you! lol
Oh Yum yum! How can anyone not love strawberries?
I am loving the winter here:) Birds chirping, flowers blooming, gentle breezes off the gulf... Then I look at pictures on TV from around the country and see people bundled up in heavy coats and mufflers with clouds of breath coming out of their mouths as they talk. I certainly have adapted quickly, though I truly miss the beautiful colors of fall. Guess you can't have everything. Have fun at the strawberry festival this year!
ok enough with the strawberries already.. gimme some animal pics! lol
oh, I loved the strawberry festival. Do you ever go to Mt. Dora?
Never get too many strawberries! MY hubby has a 'thing' for Strawberry Milkshakes...
We need a festival in New
I am jealous!
I have such fond memories of the Strawberry Festivals from my days of living there. Such fun. I'm sure you're having a great time.
I heart strawberries!
same here, we grew strawberries growing up, we even had a big homemade icecream churn in the middle of our strawberry field and people would come from all over town and buy strawberry icecream from us. We only did it like 3 years. But the memory stands out vividly.
I was just about to ask if that was Plant City. Alexis and I used to work at the Winn-Dixie offices in Jacksonville and everyone got excited each year when the produce buyers brought in the Plant City Strawberries.
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