A Better Way to Write a Blog Post
The above is a screen shot of one of my favorite programs for doing blog posts. Live Writer is a free program that you can download. Why use an offline Blog Post Editor? One reason is avoiding that annoying thing the editor online at Blogger does where what you see isn't necessarily what you get when you hit publish. Live Writer allows you to see exactly how your blog post will look when it is published. This way you are sure that your pictures are in the right spot and things are spaced as you want before you hit publish.
Another advantage is the way you insert pictures. You are given option#1 of inserting the picture from your computer (and having it uploaded to Picasa) , or choosing option #2 to insert the url of your graphic from some other service where you have uploaded the picture to... all without going into html.
Option#1 Option#2
Once a picture is uploaded, you are also given some pretty good options for things like changing the size of the picture. You are offered small/med/large... but you are also offered the choice of the original size it was uploaded at or even to choose the height and width that you choose with the ratio locked.
One more advantage? It's an offline editor... Your post is on your computer till you hit publish, so if something happens on the way to posting you don't lose all of your hard work!
There are a lot of other features, but I will save them for another time... or if anyone is interested enough to ask LOL! Oh, and I am not in anyway associated with this program, I just like it!
Thanks for this info! I am off to try it, having been rather perturbed at the Blogger draft system! Blessings! Lisa
Thanks for the tips! Yes, I have been upset many times with clicking on "Publish" and it doesn't look how I wrote it. The additional spaces...my picture not where I wanted it....yatta yatta.
I will look into this....Thank you.
Hugs, Rose
Thanks for the tip! I've been frustrated so many times when posting my entry or photographs. I'm off to check this out.
hmmm, just posted from live writer this morning!! This is a great little program, and I'm with you that I think many others would like it !!
hmmm mine is blue and yours is brown is there a way I can change the color????
*nevermind* all I had to do was look around a bit! I found it! heh..
Whoa.....way too advanced for my infantile abilities with computers and online techy stuff.
I know, I know. I'm like the old groundhog clinging desperately to her hole in the ground~
YES! Thanks for posting about this, I didnt know about it at all. I have had that happen also, where the print turns out smaller than originally typed when I hit publish, very frustrating.
Sounds like my cup of tea! On my way there now to check it out. Blessings, Penny
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