Your Monday photo Shoot: Pumpkins!
AND Trick or Treat around Blogger!
I'm about to kill two birds with one stone! This is going to be both my Monday Photo Shoot AND my Trick or Treat around J-land/Blogger! So, here goes!
Your Monday Photo Shoot: Show us your Halloween pumpkin! This year's pumpkin is preferable, but if you've not managed to get yours for this year, go ahead and pick one from your photo archives. Remember also that just because it's called the Monday Photo Shoot doesn't mean you can't turn in a picture on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. So if you haven't gotten a pumpkin yet -- there's still time!
Well, since we live in the middle of nowhere this year, I didn't decorate for Halloween.... nor did I buy and disfigure any pumpkins. So, Instead I offer up the graphic I did from last year for Trick or Treat around J-Land!
When I worked for the circus it was a tradition to give the animals that would play with them (mostly the tigers and elephants) pumpkins at this time of the year. Mohan was kind enough to pose with his for me!