Saturday, May 09, 2009

I can haz Kitteh?

Look what I got today! More pictures and the whole story tomorrow. Meant to post all about it today, but ended up playing on Twitter instead. Yep, I accomplished exactly Zip this evening. LOL!



Isn't she too cute for words? I'm in Luv!


Anonymous said...

I have 2 sitting on my lap right now. No More. But adorable......mine just ate baby scallops so they are napping.~Mary

I gave an order to the cat, and the cat gave it to its tail.
Chinese Proverb

Sage Ravenwood said...

What a Beauty! She looks like my Socrates (who is also a girl). Looks like she might have the extra toes like Socrates does too. I love them when they are that little and mischievous.(Hugs)Indigo

Rebecca Anne said...

I may have been highly drugged last night, but I certainly remember this little darling! She looks just as gorgeous today my friend and I'm delighted you got such a wonderful treat for Moms day. And of course, Nyx is a fantastic name. Even better then blogspot and twitterbell~ (wink)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

That was my favorite kitty! She is so cute.
I am so glad you got her, its so cool the way this worked out!
I can't wait to hear what you named her!

Kneadstoknow said...

All I can say is a huge "awwwwww" what a darling little kitten. I wish you all the best of luck with her, and do keep us posted.

Ya need a "naming contest" wearing a cheshire cat grin here!


Traci said...

Sweet kitty. Can't wait to hear more.

Kelly said...

Congratulations on your new human owndership...that is directed at the cat, which will own you soon! ;) She is very cute. There is no shortage of cast offs around here. We are owned by two ourselves, that were cast out to fend for themselves and be eaten by coyote.

Gerry said...

I just saw some unusual animal photos you would probably love on Ann's Beauty in Art blog on my blog list. She finds interesting stuff like you do. A beautiful cat. Gerry

Martha said...

Awww, how beautiful! I have three kittens - had 6! Yours reminds me of the one my son's girlfriend adopted. His name was blackbeard :-)

Silver said...

the pattern is unique and intriguing..

DesLily said...

OMGosh how cute is that?!!! lol.. I am so glad you got a kitten! Now we will get more animals pictures!! yiiihawww~!