Saturday, February 28, 2009

Still Amused...

Back in December I linked you to the story of Otto the Octopus. I was amused with his antics and offered up the story for your amusement.


Today I give you a new story of Octopus intelligence, curiosity, and mischievousness. This time it happened at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium and involves their female two-spotted octopus.

Seems little missy was feeling in need of some excitement, so she created some. The story can be found here at National Geographic News. The Aquarium itself also released a press release about the incident, and you can see the CNN Video here. There is also an entry in the official aquarium blog. Oh, and one more link, this is a set of pictures on Flickr where you can see her a little better and appreciate just how pretty she is. They are copyrighted, so I am just linking to them. Enjoy!


Donna. W said...

I would never have given an octopus credit for having intelligence! How about that?

Gerry said...

I heard about this octopus, so will be back to peruse the story in more detail. I love it when animals think. I know they do because I have seen them do it again and again while working at some job they have been trained to do. Riding a horse trained to work with cattle by an expert was such an exhilarating illuminating experiece I will never ever forget it, me and the horse working in unison, and the horse's funny reaction to my amateur cowgirl inadequacies.

kelly said...

just goes to show you.. don't ever underestimate the power of anything.. you just never know.. thanks for sharing.. great!!

Rebecca Anne said...

Thats just a freaky looking picture.....or, I just looked at it in a freaky sort of mindset to begin with.
Ok, I'm off to read the stories. I hope you had a fantastic weekend.

Celeste said...

That was cute! I syre needed that laugh!

Kelly said...

Wow, that is something else! She is beautiful though, in an octopus kind of way ;) Thanks for sharing this story! hugs, Kelly

Gayla said...

Thank you so much for posting this! Dam smart creature! LOL
Huggers, Gayla

Melissa said...

That's amazing! I had no idea they were so smart! Little dickens!

Penny said...

3 weeks late, I enjoyed this tremendously! I do love watching these squiggly creatures. Blessings, Penny